Sanam and Olivia
LONDON Bricklane 2008

Interview with our contributors

Sanam (as interviewed by Olivia)
What were you like in highschool?

I was a tad bit of a loner, and spent most of the time daydreaming and spacing out. I went to high school in a suburb where I guess I thought I was too cool for school, but I also struggled with social anxiety, so I spent more time being introspective and watching films than making friends and going out to parties. I never really enjoyed the idea of school though, it always felt like a kind of prison to me. I skipped as much class as I could get away with.

What did you last dream about (or most memorable) dream?

Lately I've been dreaming a lot about hospitals, and big, eerie houses. There's usually some sort of adventure involved, and a bit of mystery. Last night was weird, I dreamt that I had died and then woke up in a bed that was not mine, and as I got up I grabbed my blanket and inside it was this live, severed hand that was trying to grab hold of my arm and I tried to muzzle it with the blanket but it kept resisting. I finally woke up with my own hand on my face, and it was shaking like crazy! Dreams and the subconscious are pretty much my favourite subjects, and mine tend to be really graphic and convoluted.

Who would you most like to meet, dead or alive?

That's a really tough one. They would be dead most likely. Maybe the prophet Joseph or Carl Jung so they could interpret my strange dreams.

Why do you like vintage and second hand clothing?

It's kind of funny because I basically had little choice but to shop second hand growing up, and I remember feeling super embarassed about it when I was a kid... though I always felt a sort of excitement about hunting for things (it was toys back then mostly) that you couldn't really find anywhere else. I later grew to appreciate the creativity and enviro-friendly aspects of vintage clothing and that made shopping a whole lot more interesting to me. I also feel like wardrobe is a pretty personal thing, and it's never really any fun to see someone else wearing something you own is it?

If you could change the world, would you?

I think we can all do our part in some ways, and I try to, but there's always going to be corrupt people corrupting the earth. Of course if it were up to me, the world would be a magical peaceful place, but what would make people strive to do better if everything were perfect? how would we evolve? I dunno, I'm not apathetic but I think everything happens for a reason, and since I don't have all the answers, I think I would much rather leave the hard choices to the powers that be.

What are you best at?

It may not seem like a real thing but I'm a natural at lucid dreaming! Flying is my specialty.

What do you like to do when you get time alone?

I like to experiment with my creativity through any means possible. Even if it is just playing around on microsoft paint. (Experiment is the key word here.)

Do you believe in love at first sight?

A part of me would like to believe in it, since I usually have my head up in the clouds, but the more practical side of me thinks it's kind of a superficial notion and only ever really works out in fairy tales; maybe I'd like to think love goes a lot deeper than just an initial physical attraction. I can't really say though, I haven't been in love yet.

Olivia (as interviewed by Sanam)
What were you like in highschool?

I was an angelic child, then I was sent to a posh school with a bunch of rich kids, and we all had to wear restrictive uniforms. I didn't like being told what to do and hated feeling like we were all a bunch of clones. I rebelled and left as soon as I could. I wish I had made the most of my education now, I have recently become a learning nerd. I guess I wanted to do things my own way in my own time.

What did you dream about last?

Sadly I don't usually remember my dreams these days. I feel like I get good solid sleeps, Im very lucky, as insomnia is something I have suffered in the past.

Who would you most like to meet, dead or alive? 

All the cliches, Most of the people we talk about on the blog. It would be interesting to see if they were really the way we imagined them. I can't answer this with a straight answer, there's to many interesting people in the world!

Why do you like vintage and second hand clothing? 

So many reasons! I was brought up on Op-shop clothing, which I hated at the time. I remember mum making me wear itchy knitted jerseys. I look at photo's now and think how cool the stuff is. She taught me how to bargain hunt, and find the most unique pieces, Now I am so grateful. I just love the idea of re-using things, clothing just has a past and a history that makes it special, I love that, I like the holes and the rips and the missing buttons that really crap stuff sometimes has, My favorite t-shirt is the one I found one day in the back of my husbands closet at his parents house, It's all moth eaten and falling apart. Secondly the environmental aspect, really you can't do better.

Who or what inspires you most? 

All things, people, images, environments, music.

What do you like to do when you get time alone? 

Thinking, drawing, walking, being in my own headspace. It's when I come up with all my ideas and plans.

What is your favourite childhood memory? 

Digging up bugs in the garden with the boy next door, climbing trees, cuddling the cat (sheba), sitting on dad's knee while he worked on the computer when I couldn't sleep (I thought it was so exciting to stay up late). The simple things.

What do you think the world needs more of? 

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